The Lady Shake
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Low-Carb French Toast



ServesPrep. Time
115 mins

This unbelievably delicious low-carb breakfast is the perfect way to start the weekend.
Topped with berries for a blast of fruity goodness (the perfect fix for those of you with a sweet tooth), this French toast is sure to become a new favourite!


French Toast

  • 2 slices of low-carb bread 
  • 3 egg whites 
  • 1 teaspoon of Nativa sweetener
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  • 1 tbsp of Greek yoghurt 
  • ½ cup of raspberries or strawberries
  • 2 tsp sugar-free maple syrup


  1. Put the egg whites in a medium-sized bowl and whisk, then add your vanilla extract and Nativa sweetener.
  2. One slice at a time, add your bread to the egg mixture, ensuring that it is soaked (but not breaking apart).
  3. Whilst the bread is soaking, heat a non-stick pan on medium heat.
  4. Place your bread slices into the pan and cook until golden brown, then flip to brown the other side.
  5. Once cooked, add to a plate, and serve with Greek yoghurt, berries, and maple syrup.