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The Importance Of Iron For Women



We’ve talked about fibre and protein, we’ve recommended foods to help both physical and mental health, but it’s time to talk about iron!


Did you know that women are more commonly iron deficient compared to men? There are a few factors that contribute to this. You’ve probably already guessed the first reason — menstruation. Every month we lose blood, which naturally means we’re experiencing a continuous depletion of iron. 


If you’re a mum, during pregnancy your iron intake needs to increase to support both foetal growth and placental development, and this often surpasses dietary intake, meaning you're not receiving an adequate amount of iron! Again, for the mums, your iron levels are typically further depleted postpartum due to blood loss during delivery and breastfeeding.


Additionally, we ladies seem to consume less iron-rich foods than men! This only exacerbates the chance of a deficiency. While both men and women require an adequate iron intake for healthy blood production and oxygen support, our unique and simply unfair physiological demands put us at a higher risk of developing an iron deficiency. 

Why Is Iron So Important?

Iron is crucial for our overall health. We’ve touched on the topic of blood production, but to give you a more in-depth explanation, iron is crucial to produce what’s called haemoglobin — the protein found in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen through the body. 

What Are The Symptoms Of An Iron Deficiency?

If you’re low in iron, your body is going to tell you about it. Without sufficient iron levels, our bodies have a harder time transporting oxygen to where it needs to go. Common symptoms of an iron deficiency include fatigue, dizziness and brain fog. So, make sure you’re getting enough iron to sustain your cognition and overall wellbeing. 

How To Avoid A Deficiency

Well, we already know our time of the month cannot be avoided, and we’re always going to be the parent who carries the baby — there are a few steps you can take to help your body out. One nutritious and tasty way to up your iron levels is to add the The Lady Shake to your diet! One of our shakes alone is equivalent to 84 cups of spinach! Another recommendation we have, especially for the vegetarians and vegans, is to start taking iron supplements, they’ll help up your iron levels without having to add any meat to your diet. There are also plenty of veggies that can help lower your risk of developing a deficiency. 


Iron-Rich Foods

When we think of iron, our brain likely goes straight to eating more red meat. Although it is a fantastic source of iron, there are plenty of foods that are rich in iron, and more suited for those on a weight loss journey too!



  • Shrimp

  • Oysters

  • Clams

  • Sardines

  • Tuna 

Veggies & More

  • Spinach

  • Peas

  • Broccoli

  • String Beans

  • Kale

  • Tofu

  • Kidney Beans

  • Lentils

Upping your iron intake is possible, even if your diet lacks meat. Try to add some of these options to your diet to avoid an iron deficiency! Iron is essential for our general health and wellbeing, so keep your body happy.