Recovering From A Bad Workout

Recovering from a bad workout is essential to ensure your fitness journey stays on track and preventing injury. Even if we properly warm up and cool down, we can still wind up sorer than we bargained for.
Recovery is just as important as working out especially if you’re experiencing aches and pains after a bad workout.
Accept & Reflect
We all have bad workouts! There’s always going to be setbacks, so you have to accept that not every workout will be perfect. Celebrate your small wins – you still exercised, it took time and effort and you managed to gather the motivation to do the hardest part – getting started.
Reflect on what went wrong. Consider factors like mood, sleep, stress or even workout intensity. Did you push yourself too hard? Were you feeling fatigued to begin with? Understanding the root cause can help to prevent similar issues in the future.
Watch Your Eating & Drinking Habits
You mightn’t know it but what you eat after exercise impacts your body’s ability to recover! Exercise puts stress on the muscles, so proper nutrition after working out is a must. Protein helps muscles repair and carbs will replenish glycogen stores.
Hydration is also vital for recovery. But it’s important to stay hydrated all throughout the day, some people like to exercise on an empty stomach and even if that’s you – make sure you at least have a glass of water before your workout.
If you struggle to drink enough water throughout the day, make sure you check out our product BOOST! It’s a drink formulated to rev up your metabolism, enhance focus, give you energy and keep you hydrated all day.
Get Enough Sleep
Quality sleep is crucial for the body to properly repair its muscles and tissues. If you work out when you’re fatigued it will no doubt affect your performance but it’ll also impact your recovery.
Not getting enough sleep can also interfere with weight loss, so check out our guide on how to get a good night’s rest.
Active Recovery
One reason you mightn’t have performed as well as you’d have liked to is that you’re exercising too much! It’s crucial that you give your body enough time to rest and repair between each workout.
You don’t have to do nothing on your rest days! Engage in light physical activity like walking, stretching or yoga to maintain flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
One bad workout doesn’t define your fitness journey! Stay consistent with your exercise routine and don’t let one setback derail your progress. Everyone has bad workout days, so remember you’re not alone, and accepting any defeat will make you more resilient in the future.