Words Of Wisdom From A Long-time Shaker

Did you know when you sign up for The Lady Shake weight-loss journey you get the added bonus of a community of ladies ready to cheer you on?
And with long-time shakers and brand ambassadors like Mellissa, you’ve got real wisdom to draw upon to help you stay on track.
Mellisa’s Top 3 Tips
Make shakes before you get hungry
We’ve all heard of being “hangry” but it’s more than just anger you need to worry about. When we’re hungry, we’re impulsive. Plan ahead and you’ll sidestep the urge to go for something sweet.
Always carry a Lady Shake bar or snack in your handbag
Think like a Girl Scout and be prepared for any situation. Whether you’ve forgotten to eat lunch, can’t find a low-calorie option on the menu, or are out longer than you planned, just reach inside your handbag for a healthy alternative.
Clear out the bad foods
Mellissa’s a big fan of; out of sight, out of mind. Get tough on your pantry and clear out bad foods, so when temptation hits there are no unhealthy options to hand. That includes your biscuit stash!
How do you stay on track? You can head to our Facebook page to add your top tips.